[主題] 貓白血病的傳染如何預防呢 ?
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等級: 新手
文章: 1
註冊時間: 2015-01-30
最近來訪: 2015-02-04

家裡的兩隻貓 做過二合一血檢 沒有貓白血病

1.沒有貓白血病還需要定期施打關於貓白血病的疫苗嗎? 3年打一次?

2.如果在外面買回來的貓用品 或 家裡的服裝等二手商品
需要不需要清潔後酒精浸泡或是曝曬? 如果需要的話 不知道怎麼做可確保沒有貓白血病菌附著在上或是乾脆都丟掉?

最愛: 只愛短毛黑貓


等級: 大法師
威望: 3
文章: 4799
註冊時間: 2008-04-15
最近來訪: 2020-10-15
來自: 貓跑來跑去的地方

蔚藍的天空 wrote:家裡的兩隻貓 做過二合一血檢 沒有貓白血病

1.沒有貓白血病還需要定期施打關於貓白血病的疫苗嗎? 3年打一次?

2.如果在外面買回來的貓用品 或 家裡的服裝等二手商品
需要不需要清潔後酒精浸泡或是曝曬? 如果需要的話 不知道怎麼做可確保沒有貓白血病菌附著在上或是乾脆都丟掉?

你..............既然家裡兩隻都沒問題 為什麼要特別擔心貓白血病? 你還要帶新貓?

貓白血病不是伊波拉 也不是人的流行性感冒 你應該要比較害怕 貓感冒 還有兩歲以前fip好發期吧




What cats are at greatest risk of infection?

Cats at greatest risk of infection are those that may be exposed to infected cats, either via prolonged close contact or through bite wounds. Such cats include:

Cats living with infected cats or with cats of unknown infection status
Cats allowed outdoors unsupervised, where they may be bitten by an infected cat
Kittens born to infected mothers

Kittens are much more susceptible to infection than are adult cats, and therefore are at the greatest risk of infection if exposed. But accompanying their progression to maturity is an increasing resistance to FeLV infection. For example, the degree of virus exposure sufficient to infect 100% of young kittens will infect only 30% or fewer adults. Nonetheless, even healthy adult cats can become infected if sufficiently exposed.

How can I keep my cat from becoming infected?
The only sure way to protect cats is to prevent their exposure to FeLV-infected cats.

1. Keep cats indoors, away from potentially infected cats that might bite them. If you do allow your cats outdoor access, provide supervision or place them in a secure enclosure to prevent wandering and fighting.
2. Adopt only infection-free cats into households with uninfected cats.
3. House infection-free cats separately from infected cats, and don't allow infected cats to share food and water bowls or litter boxes with uninfected cats.

Consider FeLV vaccination of uninfected cats. (FeLV vaccination of infected cats is not beneficial.) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination with your veterinarian. FeLV vaccines are widely available, but since not all vaccinated cats will be protected, preventing exposure remains important even for vaccinated pets. FeLV vaccines will not cause cats to receive false positive results on ELISA, IFA, or any other available FeLV tests.

說到預防針 貓跟小孩一樣 預防針打到一定年紀就不再打了 所以 我個人是反對貓每年都打或是定期打的因為家裡貓並不出門 也不跟外面貓接觸 但國情不同(我不在台灣) 自己衡量
注意 預防針只是預防喔 可不是保證

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