[主題] [分享]貓的飲食以及泌尿道疾病--文章分享
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最愛: 泡芙&威威&跳跳


等級: 精靈
文章: 155
註冊時間: 2005-12-19
最近來訪: 2006-10-24

再加上我家有兩個小兒子,  又都結紮了,  好像很危險的樣子.
於是閒閒加手癢,  就用"cat food"以及"urinary disease"去古狗查查.
找到了幾篇網頁,  想說跟大家分享一下.
雖然這些文章有許多重複的地方,  不過那些往往也是重要的地方,  請大家忍耐一下.
而且為了尊重原作者,  不想破壞人家文章的完整性.

1. 要是文章(article),  而非討論或個人意見之類的,  但是擔心著作權,  所以用節選的方式.
2. 來源不是寵物食品製造商或販賣者
3. 為了節省網路資源,  已經有大大破過的我就跳過去

1. 本人很懶惰的啦,  翻譯只有覺得重要的部分, 要不然就是簡化了,  請大家多多包函,  有附原文和出處,  不滿意的大大請高抬貴眼.
2. 因為我不是獸醫或相關科系,  沒有辦法確實判斷資訊的正確性到多少,  只能自己覺得好像有道理的,  就分享給大家啦.

如果有錯誤,  或是有人有想法的,  請多多提出討論, 讓我增長一點見識.

附加檔案: 2_13248.jpg

最愛: 泡芙&威威&跳跳


等級: 精靈
文章: 155
註冊時間: 2005-12-19
最近來訪: 2006-10-24

A great deal of research has been on-going as to the relationship of diet to urinary tract health, and the thinking has changed over a period of just a few years. Originally it was thought that diets high in magnesium and ash contributed to the problem; now more emphasis is being placed on the pH of urine (acidic or alkaline).
以前認為鎂以及灰份高的食物會導致泌尿問題,  現在更多注意力是放在尿液的PH值(酸或鹼)

Veterinarians recommend a range between 6.0 and 6.5)

Unfortunately, special diets which prevent the formation of one kind of crystal can actually cause the other, so I don't recommend a special diet for a one year old cat with no symptoms, unless your veterinarian prescribes one.
不幸的是,  防止某一類尿結石的特殊食品,  往往會造成另一類的.  所以除非你的獸醫開處方, 否則我不建議沒有症狀的一歳貓食用特殊食品.

Generally, a good quality commercial food should be fine for your cat. I would recommend avoiding fish flavored foods, which are said to be suspect in crystal formation. I would also recommend that you supplement your cat's dry food diet with a small amount of canned food each day, also avoiding the fish flavors, with the eventual goal of getting him on a mostly- or wholly-canned food diet. Make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh, clean water, and avoid feeding him table scraps. Watch carefully for any signs of distress, such as straining to urinate or missing the litterbox.
一般說來, 好品質的市售食物對你的貓就可以了.  我會建議避免魚味食品, 因為那被懷疑跟結石形成有關.  而且我建議你給你的貓先吃乾食加上一點點罐頭(也要避免魚味), 最後給他幾乎或者完全是罐頭食物.  一定要給貓足夠新鮮的水,  而且避免餵他廚餘.  

出處:  http://cats.about.com/cs/catmanagement101/f/foodurinaryhlth.htm
最愛: 泡芙&威威&跳跳


等級: 精靈
文章: 155
註冊時間: 2005-12-19
最近來訪: 2006-10-24

[這篇文章最後由脆皮泡芙在 2006/03/13 03:12pm 編輯]

Five Cat Food Factors That Discourage Feline UTD
by: Nancy E. Wigal

One of the most common causes of Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is what your cat eats. A feline diet that is too high in carbohydrates and magnesium, and low in protein can lead to FLUTD. When their cat is initially diagnosed with FLUTD, feline owners will usually first try to get their kitty to eat the prescription food recommended by their vet.
貓會不會得到泌尿道疾病最重要的因素之一就是他吃什麼.  導致疾病的貓食含有太多的碳水化合物和鎂,  而卻含有低蛋白. 貓被診斷FLUTD,  通常要開始吃獸醫推薦的處方食品.

But what if the cat rejects their offering? As an alternative, there are specific, non-prescription cat foods available to maintain your cat's urine pH balance at 6.6. A high urine pH value indicates struvite crystal formation in your cat's urinary tract. The challenge is to find the right cat food that appeals to kitty, contains the proper amount of protein and magnesium, and has few or no by-products.
如果那隻貓不肯吃,  就要找能使尿液PH值在6.6的替代食品. 替代食品要含有適量的蛋白質和鎂,  並且很少或沒有副產品

If you turn out to be one of those owners who has to find an alternative cat food, then here's five things to evaluate when selecting cat food to prevent future FLUTD occurences in your kitty:

1. What's the Most Common Ingredient?

The first and most common ingredient that should be listed is protein - meat or fish. Read the label carefully - here's some variations you could see:
含量最多的成分應該是蛋白質--肉或魚,  小心的讀標示你可以看到:  

Canned cat food: 罐頭
Beef 牛肉
Chicken Liver 雞肝
Deboned Chicken 去骨雞
Beef Broth 牛肉湯

Dry cat food: 乾食
Chicken 雞肉
Organic Chicken 有機雞肉
Herring Meal 鯡魚粉
Chicken Meal 雞肉粉

Some other good ingredients that will help your kitty maintain good urinary tract health are blueberries and cranberries. Vegetables such as carrots are good, and rice is a good grain for your kitty to consume.
對泌尿道健康有幫助的還有藍莓和蔓越莓, 紅蘿蔔和米.

2. Are There Any By-Products?

Are by-products listed as one of the ingredients? If so, put that food back on the shelf and keep looking. By-products are filler material, and have limited nutritional value for your kitty. By-products are typically carbohydrates, and since cats are carnivores, they need protein, not carbs, for proper nutrition.
如果看到任何副產品,  把它放回架上. 副產品是沒有什麼營養的填充劑,  通常是由碳水化合物構成. 因為貓是肉食性動物, 不需要這些.

Here are some examples of by-products:
Canned cat food: 罐頭
Corn gluten meal 玉米麩粉
Ground yellow corn 磨碎的黃玉米
Soybean meal 大豆粉
Beef By-Products
Meat By-Products

Dry cat food: 乾食
Ground Yellow Corn 磨碎的黃玉米
Chicken By-Product Meal
Corn Gluten Meal 玉米麩粉
Wheat flour 麥粉
Corn Meal 玉米粉
Soy flour 大豆粉

3. How Much Moisture Is In the Cat Food?

What's the percentage of moisture in the cat food you're evaluating? The higher the number, the better for your kitty. More moisture means your cat will urinate more. Increased urination will flush out any crystals that may be trying to form in your cat's urinary tract. Canned cat food has a higher moisture content than dry.
貓食的含水量越高,  對你的貓越好,  代表你的貓排尿越多.  排尿多的話會將即將要在泌尿道中形成的結晶給沖走.  罐頭比乾食含水量多.

4. How Much Magnesium Does the Cat Food Contain?

An excess of magnesium will contribute to struvite crystal formation (FLUTD). Some magnesium is necessary, but generally look for cat food that has a maximum of 0.025% magnesium to prevent struvite crystals.
過量的鎂會形成結晶.  些許的鎂是必須的,  但請尋找鎂低於0.025%的貓食.
< 跳跳說:  這裡的數字和下一篇不一樣耶,  媽媽,  我們要相信誰??? >

5. Does the Cat Food Contain DL-Methionine?

DL-Methionine is an amino acid with sulfur, which helps regulate ammonia formation in urine. This amino acid helps maintain your cat's urine pH balance around 6.6, which is normal and does not encourage crystal formation.
DL-Methionine是一種含有硫的胺基酸,  可以幫忙調節尿中亞摩尼亞的合成,  而且幫忙維持尿液酸度在6.6.

出處:  http://www.catsbackalley.com/five-cat-food-factors.html
最愛: 泡芙&威威&跳跳


等級: 精靈
文章: 155
註冊時間: 2005-12-19
最近來訪: 2006-10-24

Many experts recommend you feed your kitty canned food almost exclusively to keep feline urinary tract infections from recurring. More moisture in kitty's diet means better flushing capability by urinating more often, in larger amounts. Crystals can be flushed out of the cat when they are too small to do damage. This is critical to prevent cat urinary tract infections from happening again.
許多專家都建議盡量餵食貓咪罐頭來防止泌尿道感染的復發.  因為較多的水分可以使得結晶還在很小的時候就被尿液沖走,  而不會造成傷害.

Since cats don't lap up water like other animals, the moisture content in canned foods will offset this. Raw food (raw meat) diets also provide most of the moisture content cats need to stay healthy.
因為貓不會像其他動物一樣大量的喝水,  罐頭中的水分就可以補償這點,  生的食物(生肉)也可以.

But don't go rushing out and purchase tuna in spring water for kitty! There are several key ingredients you need to look for in canned cat food to prevent a feline UTI. Not just any kind will keep your cat's urinary tract healthy.
但是不要衝去買鮪魚加礦泉水給貓吃,  有些成分值得好好注意.

Meat or meat by-products?

When assessing the best canned cat food for your kitty, the first ingredient should always be meat. Not meat by-products, and not chicken meal, or similar ingredients. Cats are pure carnivores, and they must have a very high protein diet to stay healthy. By-products are junk for a cat.
最好的貓罐頭第一項成分要是肉,  而不是肉副產品, 雞肉粉, 或其他類似的東西.  貓是純肉食動物, 所以需要高蛋白飲食,  副產品都是垃圾.

Look for chicken, beef, lamb, turkey and duck. Many experts believe fish contributes to feline urinary tract infections, so it's best to avoid the seafood choices you'll find.
請尋找雞肉, 牛肉, 羊肉, 火雞, 和鴨肉. 因為許多專家認為魚肉和貓的泌尿道感染有關, 所以最好是避免任何海鮮類.

Rice and wheat:

These are fine, as long as they are high quality brown rice and wheat. However, if one of these is listed first, I'd put that can back on the shelf and would continue my search.
只要是高品質的糙米或麥是可以的. 然而如果這項成分被放在第一位,  我會把這個罐頭放回架上.


DL-Methionine is an ingredient in both dry and canned cat foods. It's an amino acid that helps restore the urine pH balance back to 6.0 – 6.8. Read the fine print to see if it's an ingredient. If you don't see DL-Methionine listed, don't worry. You can add it to your cat's food in powdered form.
DL-Methionine是一種罐頭和乾食都會有的成分.  它是一種可以幫助尿液PH維持在6.0-6.8的胺基酸.  看看那些小字尋找有沒有這項成分,  如果沒有也不用擔心, 可以自己加.
< 威威說:  媽媽,  哪裡買的到? 我也要吃! >


Magnesium is believed to contribute to crystal formation in a cat's urinary tract infection. Look for canned cat food that lists the level. The magnesium level should not be higher than 0.1%, and no less than .025% in any cat food you purchase.
鎂被認為是造成貓的泌尿道結晶的原因之一.  再你所買的任何貓食, 鎂的含量不應該高於0.1%,  也不應該低於0.025%.
< 跳跳說: 媽媽, 就是這裡啦, 不一樣啦!! >

Cranberries and blueberries:

Although cats are carnivores, berries are a great ingredient to promote good urinary tract health. High quality canned cat food should contain either one of these, or both.
雖然說貓是肉食性動物, 莓類對於泌尿道健康是有好處的.  高品質的罐頭應該要有上述兩種莓之一,  或是兩種都有.


I know I stated cats are carnivores. If vegetables are listed, and they're far down the list, that's fine. Typically you'll find carrots, peas, squash and corn.
我知道我說過貓是肉食性動物,  如果蔬菜在成分之中,  但是排在很後面,  那就沒有關係.  通常你會發現紅蘿蔔,  豆子,  南瓜,  和玉米.

出處:  http://searchwarp.com/swa26640.htm
最愛: 泡芙&威威&跳跳


等級: 精靈
文章: 155
註冊時間: 2005-12-19
最近來訪: 2006-10-24

大家對不起,  因為發現後面的文章大同小異,  所以實在是沒有動力翻下去
< 看官:  你都給我們看一樣的東西是怎樣,  嫌我們美國時間太多喔......>
所以,  我會再仔細看一遍,  如果有不一樣的地方會在補充.

自己看完這些文章之後,  有些小小的結論.
單單針對貓的泌尿道疾病而言,  含水分多的食物(如生肉罐頭), 優於乾燥貓食.
< 很努力的找過但是沒有看到乾燥貓食比較好的文章,  如果有大大可以找到, 麻煩請破上來,  或是飛鴿給我,  我們來做一個平衡報導. >
但是鮪魚罐頭是不及格的,  因為魚類的蛋白有可能會促使尿道結晶的形成.

一直以來,  我都是給他們乾乾加清水,  罐罐只有洗澡看醫生才開來高興一下.

好吧,  為了我那兩個可愛的小兒子,  讓我找找哪些罐頭可以吃吃.
結論是,  好像沒有耶.
市面上標明純雞肉罐的有兩個, catsin以及bistro.
但是我買回來之後,  看起來覺得不對勁.  那個一絲一絲白白的的確是雞肉絲沒有錯,  但是那淡紅色一片一片的,  分明就是魚片,  而且還比雞肉絲多.
仔細的尋找幾乎看不到的成分標示,  果然見到TUNA四個討厭的字母.
但是等一等,  聽說有一種新的泌尿道罐罐, 叫做Dr. PRO, 心中又燃起希望.
然後發現根本是鮪魚罐頭,  不過加了DL-Methionine, 這這這叫人如何取捨......

要命,  台灣找不到合格的罐罐,  你叫我怎麼辦.
倒是那三隻小貓,  這幾天吃罐罐吃的歡天喜地像是過新年.

附加檔案: 2_13248_4.jpg

最愛: 八貓兩狗

等級: 精靈使
文章: 2376
註冊時間: 2005-06-26
最近來訪: 2007-10-30

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