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[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/01/25 08:28pm 編輯]

2008年01月25日 08:50:06  來源:新華網  

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Gracie Mae snuck into luggage and flew from Florida to Texas. (By Rhonda Vanover -- Sun-sentinel Via Associated Press)
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Friday, January 25, 2008; Page C11

This Cat Has a Long Tale

Gracie Mae, a 10-month-old kitten living in Florida, got a little too curious when her owner was packing for a trip to Texas.

The tabby crawled into Seth Levy's suitcase, went through an airport X-ray machine, got loaded onto a plane, thrown onto a baggage belt and mistakenly picked up by a stranger far from home.

At home, Levy's wife said she searched for the cat everywhere. Then she got a phone call from Rob Carter in Fort Worth, Texas.

Carter told her: "I went to unpack . . . and saw it wasn't my suitcase. A kitten jumped out and ran under the bed. I screamed like a little girl."

Gracie Mae made the 1,300-mile trip home safely on an $80 plane ticket.

Hey, Mr. Spaceman

Within a few years, some wealthy tourists could be blasting into space in a craft that looks like a cross between a space shuttle and a corporate jet.

British businessman Richard Branson this week unveiled a model of a spaceship that he hopes will take the first paying passengers into space as early as next year.

The cost: $200,000 for a short trip.

Letting the cat out of the bag
Here's a cat who crawled into her owners suitcase in Florida on Friday, got accidentally loaded onto a plane to Texas and ended up with a stranger who had mistakenly picked up the wrong bag and brought it home.

Gracie Mae made the return flight Sunday night and was reunited with her owner, Seth Levy, of Palm Beach Gardens (seen in the AP photo to the left.).

Levy's wife had taken him to the airport Friday and dropped him and the bag off, according to an Associated Press story about the incident.

When she got back home, she couldn't find Gracie Mae, who had been spayed just days before. She and her father took out bathroom tiles and part of a cabinet to check a crawl space and papered the neighborhood with "lost cat" signs.

Then, amid the searching, she got a phone call. "Hi, you're not going to believe this, but I am calling from Fort Worth, Texas, and I accidentally picked up your husband's luggage. And when I opened the luggage, a cat jumped out," Kelly Levy quoted the caller saying.

Rob Carter said he made it home with the suitcase before realizing it wasn't his -- and there was a big surprise inside. "I went to unpack and saw some of the clothes and saw it wasn't my suitcase," he said. "I was going to close it, and a kitten jumped out and ran under the bed. I screamed like a little girl." Carter said that he eventually was able to get the cat to come out from under the bed, called the owner and made arrangements for the cat's return.

Cat's out of the bag after journey in a suitcase
1 day ago

MIAMI (AFP) — Just when he realized he had grabbed the wrong suitcase at the Dallas/Ft Worth airport's baggage claim, Ron Carter got a bigger shock as a cat jumped out of the bag, Florida's Sun Sentinel reported on Wednesday.

Carter only realized his mistake when he opened the suitcase at home. He was about to close it again when a 10-month-old cat popped its head out of the suitcase, took one look around and bolted under the bed.

"I must have jumped six feet into the air and screamed like a girl," Carter, 37, said, according to the daily.

He eventually coaxed the furry pet from under the bed, and noticed her collar featured the name and phone number of her owners, who had been frantically looking for their beloved "Gracie Mae."

The cat eventually was reunited with her owners in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

附加檔案: 32_5374.jpg

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貓不見是讓每個貓奴午夜嚇醒的惡夢吧 *_*

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下面引用由阿部喵2008/01/25 08:25pm 發表的內容:
2008年01月25日 0806  來源:新華網  


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頑皮貓 佛州搭機到德州
潛入行李箱 飛行1300哩

佛羅里達州Sun Sentinel報23日報導,住在佛羅里達州的凱莉.李維(Kelly Levy)最後見到她的寵貓是在送丈夫去機場之前,但她返回棕櫚灘公園的家中後發現,愛貓格蕾西不在通常等候她的地方。







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昨天才剛剛經歷過 幸好有找�了
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