[主題] [新聞]英年齡最大貓27歲 相當於人類127歲
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最愛: 阿部

等級: 光明使者
文章: 799
註冊時間: 2007-07-22
最近來訪: 2010-08-25

[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/12/05 10:55am 編輯]

國際在線專稿:英國年齡最大的貓咪今年27歲,相當於人類的127歲。 據悉,這隻貓現在足不出戶,在家頤養天年。


  主人多納說:「人們經常問我為什麼「淘氣鬼」能活這麼久,我餵它什麼食物等問題——他們都以為我每天餵它高營養食物。事實上它什麼特別的食物都沒有吃,之所以這樣長壽純粹是因為「太懶」。它懶到只吃自己身邊能夠得到的食物。不過它小的時候卻是非常活潑好動的;現在每天除了吃食物外幾乎不動彈,我猜是太懶『導致』它長壽。」 「每年我們都擔心它可能突然去世,不過年復一年,它還是活下來了。」 多納說。







A feline believed to be the world's oldest cat has celebrated his 125th birthday.

Last Updated: 6:37PM GMT 03 Dec 2008

Mischief, the world's oldest cat, is 100 Photo: SWNS.COM
And at 27 human years, Mischief is still living up to his name despite "slowing down a little", according to owners Chris and Donna Thorne.

The Guinness World Records has confirmed there is no record holder in the UK at the moment but the previous oldest cat was 29.

Mrs Thorne, 33, of St Austell, Cornwall, said: "It's amazing - he just keeps going on and on."

Mr Thorne, 51, got the black cat from a friend in nearby Launceston as a kitten in 1981.

He still has photographs of Mischief at just a few months old being cuddled at Christmas the same year.

Almost three decades later, he is still a vital part of the Thorne family, and is adored the couple's 20-month-old baby Skye.

"She loves him to bits," said Mrs Thorne. "When he eventually goes we'll have to get another one because she'll be devastated."

She said that despite Mischief's advanced years, he still has a spring in his step.

"His name says it all," she said. "He may be 27 but he still manages to jump over the stair gate and he's round your ankles constantly for food.

"He's an indoor cat now, and he's losing big clumps of fur, but he's still going."

She added: "We'd love to know if there are any older cats in Cornwall. He's lost a couple of his nine lives over the years but it doesn't seem to have affected him."

A spokesman from Guinness World Records said a ginger cat called Spike was the last feline to hold the title of UK's oldest cat but since he died in 2001, there had been no further record holder. He encouraged Mr and Mrs Thorne to get in contact with Guinness World Records.

The oldest cat ever is Creme Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived until August 6, 2005 an amazing 38 years and three days.

Creme Puff lived with her owner, Jake Perry, in Austin, Texas.

At the grand age of 127 (that's 27 in human years), is Mischief the world's oldest cat?
By Luke Salkeld
Last updated at 10:44 PM on 03rd December 2008
Maybe he's not very curious. Or perhaps he had more than nine lives.
Whatever the reason, at the age of 27, Mischief is one old cat.
A whisker away from officially entering the record books as the UK's longest living domestic feline, he is still purring along nicely.

Cat naps: Possibly the oldest moggy in the world, 27-year-old Mischief sleeps for 16 hours most days
Mischief  -  with an age of 127 in cat years  -  is almost certainly the oldest living cat in Britain, and quite possibly the oldest in the world.
His owners put his longevity down to pure laziness.
'People ask what we're feeding him to keep him going so long  - they think it must be a diet of vitamins or something,' Donna Thorne, 33, said.
'But we don't do anything special, he is just a greedy and lazy boy who will eat anything that he can get his paws on.
'When he was younger he was fairly active, but now he doesn't move much unless food is involved. I suppose his laziness has ultimately preserved him.'

Owner Donna Thorne says Mischief is a 'huge' part of their lives
She added: 'Every year we think he might slip away but he just keeps going on and on.'
Mischief is fed dry cat food every day and pouches of meat every other day.
He sleeps for at least 16 hours a day and no longer ventures outside of the family's home in St Austell, Cornwall.
Mrs Thorne, a housekeeper, said Mischief was still a 'huge part' of their family and is adored by their 20-month-old daughter, Skye.
Her husband Chris, 51, has owned Mischief since he was 24.

He said: 'I can't imagine what it would be like without having the old thing around.'
A spokesman for Guinness World Records said the oldest cat in Britain was previously Willow, 26, from Shrewsbury.

Mischief lives up to his name in this photo taken in 1983
The oldest cat in the world was Creme Puff of Austin, Texas, who made it to 38.

Calculating how old a cat is in human years is not an exact science.
According to pet food makers Purina, their first two years are roughly equal to the first 25 of a human.


Meet Britain's oldest cat: 127-year-old moggy picture special  By Geoffrey Lakeman 4/12/2008

He's now well into his 100s... but Mischief the ancient moggy is still feline good.

His owners reckon he could be one of Britain’s oldest pussies and, despite being around 127 in human years, he’s fur-ever living up to his name.

Donna Thorne said: “Mischief says it all. He still manages to jump over the stair gate and he’s always around your ankles for food. He’s an indoor cat now, and he’s losing big clumps of fur, but he’s still going.”

Her husband Chris, 51, got him as a tiny kitten during the first Thatcher government in the summer of 1981.

Chris, of St Austell, Cornwall, said: “I can’t imagine him not being here. He has been with me through thick and thin. He’s seen several girls come and go! We’ve moved about five times, he eats what he’s given, I’ve never spoilt him.”

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Donna, 33, said: “It’s amazing – he just keeps going. People can never believe it when we tell them how old he is. He was hit by a motorbike and lost an eye in 1990 but we think he still has eight lives left!”

And the elderly pet is adored by the couple’s 20-month-old daughter Skye. “She loves him to bits,” she said. “When he eventually goes she’ll be devastated.”

There is no reliable scientific method for calculating exactly how old a cat is in human years. But experts say the first two of a cat’s life are roughly equal to the first 25 of ours – and each additional year equals around four for us.

A spokesman for the Guinness World Records confirmed a ginger puss called Spike was the last moggy to hold the title of the UK’s oldest living cat.

But since he died in 2001 at the age of 29 there has been a vacancy. Could this be the making of Mischief?


附加檔案: 32_8727.jpg

最愛: 太郎& MOMO


等級: 騎士
文章: 67
註冊時間: 2007-09-17
最近來訪: 2016-07-24

最愛: pretzel、布丁狗


等級: 精靈
文章: 242
註冊時間: 2008-10-19
最近來訪: 2011-10-12

文中說Creme Puff活到38歲又3天
最愛: Annie


等級: 風雲使者
文章: 404
註冊時間: 2007-07-24
最近來訪: 2010-01-04

最愛: 6隻貓


等級: 天使
文章: 1072
註冊時間: 2007-08-22
最近來訪: 2018-09-28

哇! 比我還大@.@
最愛: Ben

等級: 精靈
文章: 185
註冊時間: 2008-10-22
最近來訪: 2012-03-01

太長壽了! 希望Ben也可以陪我就一點,不過前提是他要無病無痛才好阿!
最愛: 阿部

等級: 光明使者
文章: 799
註冊時間: 2007-07-22
最近來訪: 2010-08-25

最愛: MiNei


等級: 大天使
文章: 1910
註冊時間: 2008-05-02
最近來訪: 2015-09-08

好好唷,希望大家的寶貝都能見賢思齊,努力破紀錄 ^^
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