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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 wuchun376
"It's not one to isolate," said, is must isolate causes like above netizen said

But the isolation is not equal to the first, and using environment shut cage can be separated, if the space is not allowed to shut cage

In addition, the doctor said also have serious mistakes, not only prevent, precaution treatment effect,
If they are sick, one needle, needle, three stitches. The same,
If it is sick, contagious or contagious before, after injections, injection are the same.
Actually, love is only white blood test, AIDS is a faithful to disease detection.
Peritonitis can do, but also test the result completely not decisive... Do not make a

Isolation is main, look them in this period is not normal, ill health,
In addition, make two cats are familiar with each other. So is generally within 2 weeks, ok
討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 wuchun376
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