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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 Kf

本人上班時不小心走失一隻虎紋家貓 奀仔,失踨多時,
走失地點東涌 逸東邨 康逸樓. 因養了十多年,感情很深, 非常掛念.
現請各界幫忙尋貓,如有見影踨請電 6760 8134 蘇生,如拾獲交回者有重酬. 謝謝~

I accidentally lost a tiger-patterned domestic cat when I was at work. I lost it for a long time. lost place at Hong Yat Hse., Yat Tung Estate, Tung Chung. I have a deep affection for more than ten years and I really miss it.
Now please help from all walks of life to find the cat,if you see any shadows please call 6760 8134 Mr.So, if you find it and give me back, there will be a heavy reward. Thank you~

討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 Kf
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