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便便一定會臭, 因為是便便! 習慣就好囉~
My little kitty Anisa :)
After reading through all the posts, I guess most people decided on feeding mainly dry food because they believe dry food is more healthy for cat, and that dry food can prevent tooth diseases.  However, those beliefs may not necessary be true.  Here are some good articles detailing why Canned food (with good ingredients) is actually good for you cats.  But like everything you see on the internet, you have to decide to believe it or not, personally, I give my cat some dry food in the morning, and a can of wet food when I come home from work :)  

* Sorry all the information is in English.  I have no idea how to type Chinese so I cant translate the information myself.   If anyone can help translate some of the key information from the links that follows, it will be greatly appreciated.  I think those are great articles to read for any cat lovers who likes to know more about how to keep their cat happy and healthy.


This page have information on how to pick out good cat food for your love ones.  It may be a little different from the system used in Taiwan, but the general idea is there.  Its always a good idea to read the label and know what you are feeding your cats :)


This page explains why dry food may not help your cat's teeth as much as you like to believe.


This page have information on how to keep your cat's teeth healthy.  If you want your cat to have healthy teeth, you will need to brush and clean them, everyday if possible.  Dry food really isn't the answer.


This page here have information on why Canned food may be the better choice of diet for your cat.  


This is the main link for a lot of information on cats (some on dogs too)  in general.  Really useful.

I am not here to promote feeding your cat ONLY canned food.  I know that canned food can be very costly especially for those who have more than one cat in their house.  Just want to share some information with all cat lovers on this forum, the more we know, the better care we can provide for our little masters ;)
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