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時找出改善或解決之 道,甚而找出令貓咪快樂的原因。在這之前,我們先來看看,心理

 1. 常常在固定的沙發或墊子上睡覺,四肢放鬆,裷縮或是肚皮側翻的睡姿,表示他對
 2. 喝足量的水。
 3. 充份且自動的玩玩具或貓捉板。
 4. 有時會到砂盆�去扒扒,如果牠有壓力需要抒解。
 5. 當你陪他時,發出滿足的咕嚕聲;當你回家,用身體或臉頰摩擦你的腳跟,表示歡
 6. 不懼怕陌生人。
 7. 常站在高處以君臨天下的姿態觀察環境;或在窗邊專心的觀察外面的動靜。


I am a student who is undergraduate in Chi. medicine and medicine.
I can say most of the herbal medicines are contraindicated without qualified doctor's(Chinese medicial practitioner or veterinarian) permittion
Several parasitic infections could be transmitted from cat to human

The most effective method is to stay away from the antigen
A little bit...
[這篇文章最後由PBuser在 2005/02/21 07:18pm 編輯]

I would sell the old one out through the auctions and buy a new one
[這篇文章最後由PBuser在 2005/02/21 07:17pm 編輯]

I don't have many friends in Taiwan and I think the cats can help me to laugh away the hours.....
下面引用由紫沁藍2005/01/14 04:08am 發表的內容:
我就曾經跟醫院的警衛吵過假阿它說醫院不能帶? ...

The security is right
Bringing pets is prohibited in hospital because it would disturb the patients staying inside the wards

台中客運 sucks!!
I used to take a bus form Taichung railway station to my school
I waited for 2 hrs and no bus available!!!!
I brought my new cat back to Taichung(from Taipei) at yesterday
The staff charged me $130 for the pet
Although he said it is not allowed to put the pet on the seat, I put it on the seat becoz the bus wasn't full
The attitude of the staffs working in 國光 aren't bad at all
If I was you, I would start the fight with the moxxer fuxxer

I will celebrate of the date of taking her to my house
You don't need to consider about that
They don't have any rights....
土耳其安哥拉貓 and 波斯貓


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