[主題] [好文分享]發情後再結紮的迷思,淺談貓科乳腺腫瘤 Mammary Tumors in Cats
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最近來訪: 2017-11-01

什麼是乳腺腫瘤What is this tumor
資料來源:Joan Rest, BVSc, PhD, MRCPath, MRCVS 譯: 貓天堂

這是一種在乳腺體形成的腫瘤,在貓科動物裡,大部份的乳腺腫瘤都有可能發展成惡性腫瘤,所以若是在發現腹部有硬體形成並提早開刀割除腫瘤可以提早避免腫瘤擴散到其他器官或部份的危險。在貓科裡它不一定只會有一顆腫瘤,而會是在不用的乳腺體周圍成成串的腫瘤。Thisis a tumor originating from cells of the mammary glands. In the cat, mostmammary tumors are potentially or already malignant, so early surgical removalis important in preventing spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). Acat may have multiple tumors, sometimes of different types, within differentmammary glands.

基本上乳腺腫瘤在寵物身上形成的原因沒會有確切的來源。大部份癌症腫瘤形成的原因是某一身體組織一再被刺激或一連串的因素聚集成一個身體上的變化 。Thereason why a particular pet may develop this, or any cancer, is notstraightforward. Cancer is often the culmination of a series of circumstancesthat come together for the unfortunate individual.

而”發情激素” 在乳腺腫瘤裡就是一個引起此腫瘤最大的誘因。癌症是一種非致命性的基因細胞,在一些貓因為個體差異性會因基因而容易發展乳腺腫瘤,尤其是在年長貓裡,但發情激素還是最大引起乳腺腫瘤的誘因所以貓科動物若可以在早期(未發情前)就可以施行結紮手術相對地,有乳腺腫瘤的機率會大大的降低或沒有。"Sexhormones are the most important single risk factor for mammary tumors incats."Cancer is non-lethalgenetic damage of cells (mutations in the DNA genome). Some cats have a genetictendency to develop cancer and the risk increases with increasing age. However,sex hormones are the most important single risk factor for mammary tumors incats. If the ovaries and uterus are removed by ovariohysterectomy (spaying) atan early age, there will be less risk of these tumors developing. Conversely,giving a cat female sex hormones increases the incidence.

在獸醫臨床學上的腫瘤分類,也就是TNM SYSTEM 最被獸醫廣泛使用的通用標準。

T3為腫瘤大小大於5公分(之前DEE DEE 的等級就是在T3)

N1為有淋巴結轉移。乳房腫瘤附近有一個以上的淋巴結腫大,大部份為惡性腫瘤(所以為引發VAS 的狂犬病疫苗因為佐劑成分的問題,建議請打在腳上,不要打在背上就是要避免腫瘤隨著淋巴腺體長成一串)

M 之後為較專業臨床獸醫學名詞在此就不多做解釋,一般獸醫會在以上做病理解釋讓飼主了解患貓的情形!

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