[主題] [好文分享]貓嗜酸性球肉芽腫 Eosinophilic Granuloma
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Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma貓嗜酸性球肉芽腫
資料來源:nationalpetpharmacy.com 翻譯及整理: JOANNE WU YOUNG


Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) is not adisease, but rather a reaction to an underlying allergy. EGC actually consistsof three separate skin conditions:
Indolent ulcers (rodent ulcers) 無痛感的潰瘍
Eosinophilic plaque嗜酸性菌斑
Eosinophilic granuloma嗜酸性球肉芽腫
Eosinophils are a healthy cat’s weapon against parasites,but in cats with EGC, the eosinophils react to an allergen rather than to aparasite. The eosinophils then cause damage to the collagen in your cat’s skinthe result of which is the three conditions above. The source of your cat’sallergy may range from food allergies, to atopy (inhaled allergies), toparasitic allergies. Often the cause of the allergic reaction is not found andthe EGC is considered to be idiopathic. EGC seems to be a genetic trait in somelines of domestic cats.
嗜伊紅球 ( 嗜酸性白血球) 原本是一個健康貓個體用來對抗寄生蟲的武器但是有一些有貓嗜酸性球肉芽腫併發症的貓會對身體裡某一種過敏反應去攻擊然後不對身體裡的寄生蟲有有任應對作用;所以當貓個體裡的嗜伊紅球去攻擊自體裡的某種過敏反應時就會產生上述三種臨床病徵。那有什麼貓會有的過敏反應會引起自體的嗜伊紅球 ( 嗜酸性白血球)去攻擊自體呢?如食物過敏;遺傳性過敏或異位性皮膚鰴菌及氣喘;寄生蟲的過敏反應等。通常都是因為上述的過敏症狀沒有被察覺或治療所以貓自體裡的嗜伊紅球 ( 嗜酸性白血球)本能反應去自發性攻擊這些過敏反應。大部份會有自體貓嗜酸性球肉芽腫併發症的貓都是因為遺傳或近親繁殖才有的一種疾病。

Symptoms of Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma 貓嗜酸性球肉芽腫臨床症狀
Eosinophilic granuloma, also known as linear granuloma,are often raised and elongated. They can appear on the back of a cat’s thighs,on the cat’s lip and chin, or on the pads of the cat’s feet. The granuloma maycome in clusters, or you may find a single granuloma. Either way, thegranulomas are often accompanied with hair loss. Frequently these lesions ooze,and some ulcerate, especially those on the bottoms of the cat’s feet. Granulomaon the lips may look to be nothing more than a swollen lower lip, almost as ifthe cat is pouting.

Eosinophilic plaques are intensely itchy lesions thatappear as thick, raw skin. These lesions typically appear on the cat’s innerthigh, throat, or belly. If your cat is constantly scratching at her lesions,she may be reacting to eosinophilic plaque.

Indolent ulcers present as an erosion of the upper lip.These lesions can spread to your cat’s tongue, so if you identify a lip ulcer,it is best to check inside your cat’s mouth to see if the condition is there aswell.

JoAnne 的話:
Treatment of Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma

Fatty acid supplements such as Sogeval Actis Omega Essential Fatty Acid Nutritional Supplement
含豐富脂肪酸的營養添加劑,如含有高單位OMAGA 3或OMAGA 6

SinceEGC is the result of an allergy, if you can identify the source of your cat’sallergy, it is necessary to remove the source from your cat’s environment.

Food trials using products such as Hill’s Prescription Diet d/d or Natural Balance Venison and Green Pea
使用希爾斯處方飼料 d/d或NB的鹿肉低過敏配方
“limited antigen” or “hydrolyzed protein” diets of hypoallergenic foods such as Royal Canin Feline Hypoallergenic HP 23 or Hill’s Prescription Diet z/d
Avoiding allergen once it is identified
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