[主題] 台中心美動物醫院─開幕特惠Shin Mai Animal Hospital
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最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»


等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01

[這篇文章最後由shandie在 2010/06/21 01:31pm 編輯]

Shin Mai Animal Hospital 心美動物醫院
New open specials! 開幕大特惠
Ring on the corner of Da Tung 11th and Wen Shin Rd.就在大墩十一街和文心路口   04 23279955

This is Shin Mai Animal Hospital, another branch of Chung Mai Animal Hospital. Great location with lots of parking space. Dr. Yu has been in the field for years and he was trained by Dr. Huang from Chung Mai. 心美動物醫院,很好的地點加上很多的停車位哦。余勇源醫師是合格證照獸醫師,已經有多年臨床經驗的他是由中美獸醫院黃醫師一手訓練出來。二年前還到上海做小動物口腔及骨科特訓二年哦。

即日起至七月二十日,我們有做以下的優惠哦。Great new opening on 19th of June till 20th of July.

1. 40% off on deflea drops. 醫師專用除蚤用品一律6折起

2. Skin/ear free check ups. 免費皮膚、耳朵健診!30% off on skin/ear issue drops and shampoo.

3. Free dental check ups. 免費口腔健診。If you call up to make an appointment for dental treatment, you will get half price off. 來電預約口腔治療一律半價

4. Special price on hear worm check ups. 心絲蟲檢測最低價!來院檢測就送日韓原裝進口心絲蟲預防藥

5. Special prices on cats/dogs vaccination shots. 犬貓預防注射一律破盤大特價(不限任何疫苗)

6. 30% off on blood/urine tests. 血液、尿液檢測一律7折(享用百萬儀器設備,取得完整檢查報告)
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»


等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01

昨天我們家minou 和shandie也去洗牙~~~很亮很乾淨哦。
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